Thursday, January 14, 2010

HTC This Week

Peek at a weekly rehearsal of the Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of Sweet Adelines International. This week the chorus welcomed 8 guests to its 'Sing A cappella Series.' Guests participated in warm-ups, received a free vocal lesson, joined the chorus on the risers and impressed everyone with their new skills. Chorus members also celebrated the birthday of a very special friend of HTC. Join the fun!

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Night Morris Performances Bright Start to New Year

Some 30 members of the Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of Sweet Adelines International performed two late night sets for enthusiastic audiences at the beautiful Assumption Church, as part of the First Night Morris New Year's Eve festivities.

Given the snowy evening, the chorus was thrilled with the larger-than-expected audiences who were treated to a selection of popular songs from the chorus's extensive repertoire, including versions of the Beatle's "All My Lovin'" and a medley of the Beach Boys' "Surfin' Safari" and "Fun, Fun, Fun", both arranged by the chorus's Master Director Carolyn Schmidt.

Capturing the mood of the softly falling snow, the chorus also performed seasonal favorites "White Christmas", "Winter Wonderland", and "Jingle Bells".

The chorus invites women singers who want to join the chorus, join the fun to register for their free "Sing A Cappella Series" of vocal and performance lessons 7:15pm, January 6, 13, 19 and 27, at 570 Central Ave. New Providence. Contact Dolly at or visit for more information.

Happy New Year from your HTC blogger,
Dana Dunlevy